Sunday, November 7, 2010

Study Group Article: Lesson Plan Purpose

Click HERE to read "Purpose: The Foundation for High-Quality Teaching" from the National Association of Secondary School Principals.  In this article, Nancy Frey lays out a rationale for looking at a lesson's "big picture" (also know as PURPOSE) in order to effectively plan and execute instruction.

Please leave a COMMENT below describing how you determine the purpose of your lessons.  If you have never thought of purpose before, how has this article changed your thinking?

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Study Group Article: Education Nation

As educators in the trenches every day, we know that our urban schools are on the edge.  You might wonder... the edge of what...?  Click HERE to read about the innovative edges which Milton Chen (education guru and blogger) has identified as key to our current education revolution.

Once you've read the article, in the COMMENTS section below, discuss which "edge" you feel has the most promising prospects.  Is it co-teaching? Technology? Curriculum? 

We look forward to your thoughts, feedback, and discussions!